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Control and Balance your Body

" Develops the body uniformily,  Correct wrong Posture,
" Restores physical vitality, Invigorates the mind  and  Elevates the Spirits " 
 " Good Posture can be successfully  acquired only when the entire  mechanism of the body is  under perfect Control "
Joseph H. Pilates
What is Pilates ?

 Pilates is a method created by Joseph H. Pilates. He was born in Germany in 1883 and died in 1967. He delevoped his own system of physical therapy based on gymnastic and theories about healthy movements. 

Originally he empolyed his tecniques to speed up the rehabilitation of his fellow inmates imprisioned during World War I. Then, he had huge success with healing and helping injured dancers in New York.

Pilates has a basic phylosophy behind it"s methods. One of it"s main results is gaining a Complete Control of your Body.. 

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